

Key witness, whistleblower X-v-France.com
I am the key witness, whistleblower, in the major criminal RICO case targeting McDonald’s Corporation and their accomplices for fraud, money laundering, and corruption of foreign officials and magistrates. The European Court of Human Rights approved my request for anonymity (Rules 33 and 47 of the Rules of Court).

Who am I?

On February 16, 2023, I was formally notified that the European Court of Human Rights agreed to accept my request for anonymity. Therefore, I don’t want to talk about me. I want to talk about the crimes McDonald’s Corporation and their accomplices have committed over the years. I want to talk about what the judicial authorities are doing to bring McDonald’s Corporation and its accomplices to justice.

I am currently actively notifying the American authorities. Most of my communications addressed to the FBI can be read on Federal-Bureau-of-Investigation.com/open-letters/ which is a non-official website on the FBI that I created for the purpose of transparency in this unprecedented major crime case.

McDonald’s Corporation has committed one of the biggest frauds in history.

The Math Equation That Tried to Stump the Internet - The New York Times

The Math Equation That Tried to Stump the Internet - The New York Times
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1 min read

Email to McDonald’s executives about Allen & Overy

I sent an email to McDonald’s Corporation executives Steve Easterbrook and Gloria Santona, and also to Malcolm Hicks (McDonald’s Europe) to ask them the name of the Allen & Overy lawyer representing them
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1 min read

Evidence - law review article by McDonald’s attorney

Evidence proving that McDonald's attorney Éric Andrieu from the Péchenard law firm knew about the European Parliament resolution of 4 February 2014 on the implementation of the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive 2005/29/EC since he clearly and unambiguously mentions it in a law review article written by him. He therefore knew the legal consequences.
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1 min read

McDonald’s France 2013 and 2014 Scratch-to-Win fraud - evidence

McDonald’s France 2013 and 2014 Scratch-to-Win fraud - evidence
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2 min read

Business Insider erroneous article about the McDonald’s Monopoly fraud

Business Insider erroneous article about the McDonald’s Monopoly fraud
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1 min read

McDonald’s Franchise Disclosure Document

Type of evidence: McDonald’s Franchise Disclosure Document Original source: https://fddexchange.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/McDonalds-Partial-FDD-May-1-2012.pdf Click on this link to visualize the original document: McDonalds-Partial-FDD-May-1-2012.pdf In April 2024, by searching on Google for the words “gloria santona” “jacobson” RICO, I found in the results this document which was published openly online. I consider that this “McDonald’s Franchise Disclosure Document” is now an important piece of evidence in the criminal RICO case targeting McDonald’s Corporation Click on this link to visualize the original document: McDonalds-Partial-FDD-May-1-2012.
1 min read

McDonald’s Corporation v. Simon Marketing 2002-09-16 - evidence

McDonald’s Corporation v. Simon Marketing 2002-09-16 - evidence
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1 min read