Email sent to Kevin Granville, European business editor for the New York Times

From: X. (Anonymity granted by decision of the Court)
Note: the email has been redacted for readability and privacy.
Dear Mr. Granville,
Since this email seems to be working, I am sending you this second email with scans of two of my IDs.
A few years ago, Stephanie Strom forwarded the story I want to talk to you about to Tim Race who was then the European business editor. Lots of things have happened since then.
I have to be honest with you. I am feeling lots of pressure over that story because I am 100% sure I am right. My guts feeling tells me that a criminal investigation targeting McDonald’s might already have started since about the time Steve Easterbrook got fired. But if I can’t be sure. But it seems that it would be the only rational explanation to lots of things which have been happening.
However, if that was not the case, it would be quite surprising.
I am accusing McDonald’s of having committed various forms of frauds, particularly in France.
Some of the frauds can easily be demonstrated through mathematics. Relatively simple maths concepts, really.
I wish I could talk to you more about this story.
Yours sincerely,
[List of files attached to the email sent to Mr. Granville]
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