Email sent to Adam ROGALSKI (State Department, FBI) and Mahonri MANJARREZ (FBI) in which I give examples of the serious frauds the transnational criminal enterprise McDonald’s Corporation and/or its affiliated companies committed.
Key point of this event: the F.B.I. is now formally notified of some of the crimes I am accusing McDonald’s Corporation and/or its subsidiary companies of.
On 2022-03-11, I sent 3 emails to the F.B.I.
This is the third email which was sent at 19:38 Beijing time. It was sent to Messrs. Rogalski and Manjarrez.
From: X. (Anonymity granted by decision of the Court)
TO : [Mr. Rogalski’s username]
TO : [Mr. Manjarrez’s username]
SUBJECT: 3 concrete examples of aggravated frauds
Note: the email has been redacted for readability and privacy.
Dear Messrs. Manjarrez and Rogalski,
Mr. Manjarrez, I previously asked you in one of my emails whether you spoke French or not but if I am not mistaken, I didn’t receive any reply from you regarding this matter. This being said, I found a LinkedIn profile for a Mahonri Manjarrez and I have the feeling that it might be you:
Therefore and except if you inform me that it is not you, I will assume from now on that you have “native or bilingual proficiency” in French. As a result, I can start explaining now to the F.B.I. some of the aggravated frauds McDonald’s Corporation and/or its affiliated companies committed. It’s one of the biggest fraud in history.
- First example of aggravated fraud committed by the affiliated companies of McDonald’s Corporation
Mr. Manjarrez, please start by reading this summons to court (assignation en justice in French):
After having read this summons to court, you should normally have understood what’s at stake here: we are potentially talking about the bankruptcy of McDonald’s France and the bankruptcy of all of its franchisees.
Yes! Had the rule of law been respected in France, McDonald’s France would have been bankrupted long time ago. I haven’t started talking yet about the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 but we will soon, trust me. We will talk about corruption in France!
By extension, we are potentially talking about the bankruptcy of McDonald’s Corporation. Why? Because the executives of McDonald’s Corporation were fully aware since 2015, if not since 2013, that a then ongoing fraud was taking place in France. In 2015, Gloria Santona who was then the General Counsel of McDonald’s Corporation acknowledged in writing that they were taking the problem seriously. The then CEO of McDonald’s Corporation, Steve Easterbrook, should have had taken the executive decision to put an immediate end to what was obviously an ongoing aggravated fraud. He obviously made the wrong call. I strongly suspect that this is the real reason why he really got fired in October 2019.
But before we start talking about the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 and all of the French politicians and the French magistrates involved, try to understand this summons to court and try to fathom the financial consequences.
- Second example of aggravated fraud committed by the affiliated companies of McDonald’s Corporation
The second example I give is related to the fraudulent claim McDonald’s made, during the Monopoly sweepstakes, that consumers had 1 chance out of 4 to win instantly. It was a lie. Please note that it wasn’t just misleading, it was downright false! They were not legally covered! It’s not even a close call. It’s pure fraud!
Mr. Manjarrez, please read this page written in French:
VERY IMPORTANT : this link I just gave you points towards a page which was updated, if I am not mistaken, on September 26, 2019, at 23h11 Beijing time. Here is an extract of what I then wrote:
“Donc McDonald’s affirme d’un côté 1 chance sur 4 par vignette, puis de l’autre, 1 chance sur 2 par vignette. Contradiction totale.”
Translation: “So McDonald’s stated on one side 1 chance out of 4 per sticker (i.e. peel-off), then on the other side 1 chance out of 2 per sticker. Total contradiction.”
However, I made a slight mistake in my explanations. Within the last few months, I came to understand that it wasn’t necessarily a contradiction if we think outside the box. To understand, please read this tweet:
So I made a slight mistake in my explanations because it is indeed confusing BUT what McDonald’s did nevertheless factually constitute aggravated fraud! It is 100% certain! It is aggravated fraud.
Furthermore, please remember that among the millions of victims of these sweepstakes frauds, there were many children since these white-collar criminals preyed over children too. Victims had to be 13 years old or older. There are multiple aggravating circumstances.
Mr. Manjarrez, if you are not familiar with the term “escroquerie, en bande organisée, visant les mineurs” you should check it out. Now, try to imagine hundreds of franchisees charged with that crime across France. Now, think about the political pressure to keep this case quiet. Think about the corruption. I hope both you and Mr. Rogalski acknowledge that there is something highly abnormal going on.
- Third example of aggravated frauds committed by the affiliated companies of McDonald’s Corporation
Mr. Manjarrez, please read this 54-pages PDF which explains in details some of the frauds for the year 2016 in France:
Mr. Rogalski, I am not sure what your proficiency level in French is but I am going to start writing a draft of a simplified explanation of the second example I just gave in this email: the fraudulent claim by McDonald’s that consumers, in France, in 2011, had 1 chance out of 4 to win instantly. Once you understand and admit that it is indeed fraudulent, we will have the opportunity to talk about how does it affects other countries within the European Union and will discuss the Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2005:
Messrs. Manjarrez and Rogalski, please, I am begging you: help me. I am begging the F.B.I. for help. Please!
I really need the help of the law enforcement community. The crimes committed by McDonald’s are exceptionally serious. Many legal/court documents have been doctored/falsified in France. I don’t believe in so many coincidences.
It’s one of the biggest fraud in history, if not the biggest one.
That’s why I am kindly and respectfully asking for your help. Please.
Remember the F.B.I.’s motto:
Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity.
Yours sincerely,
Taiyuan, Shanxi, China
2022-03-11, 19:38 Beijing time
Most of my communications sent to the F.B.I. can be consulted at:
Most of my communications sent to Adam Rogalski can be consulted at:
Most of my communications sent to Mahonri Manjarrez can be consulted at: