Email sent to the F.B.I. about Xi Jinping (习近平), the President of the People’s Republic of China, and Li Keqiang (李克强), the Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China.

On 2022-03-11, I sent 3 emails to the F.B.I.
This is the second email which was sent at 16:36 Beijing time. It was sent to Messrs. Rogalski and Manjarrez. It’s about the and websites.
From: X. (Anonymity granted by decision of the Court)
TO : [Mr. Rogalski’s username]
TO : [Mr. Manjarrez’s username]
Note: the email has been redacted for readability and privacy.
Dear Messrs. Rogalski and Manjarrez,
Before I start explaining to you more specifically the aggravated frauds McDonald’s Corporation and/or its affiliated companies and/or its suppliers have committed, I want to inform you that I registered and activated the domain names (as in Xi Jinping (习近平), the President of the People’s Republic of China) and (as in Li Keqiang (李克强), the Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China).
It’s fair to say that, overall, McDonald’s has committed some of the biggest frauds in history. They defrauded millions of consumers and they are currently defrauding investors.
I really need the help of the F.B.I. and after having a quick look at the Attorney General Guidelines for Victim and Witness Assistance
but also at the F.B.I. Victims of Crime brochure
I sincerely and confidently believe that I can count of the F.B.I. for the truth to see the light of day in this unprecedented case of sweepstakes frauds and money laundering.
Because I live in China, I must be transparent with the Chinese government. It’s one of the reasons I am publishing my communications to the F.B.I. on the Internet.
This being said, could addressing open letters to Messrs. Xi and Li get me in trouble? I hope not. I hope that some intelligent Chinese officials within the government understood that I was actually right and that McDonald’s did indeed commit multiple counts of aggravated frauds.
This being said, I prefer to be cautious and I would greatly appreciate if the F.B.I. and/or the embassies of the United States in Beijing and/or in Paris could quickly confirm to the Chinese government that my serious accusations that McDonald’s committed multiple counts of aggravated fraud are true.
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,
Taiyuan, Shanxi, China
2022-03-11 16:36 Beijing time
Most of my communications sent to the F.B.I. can be consulted at:
Most of my communications sent to Adam Rogalski can be consulted at:
Most of my communications sent to Mahonri Manjarrez can be consulted at: