McDonald’s full timeline (INCOMPLETE)

  1. March 16, 2023 Email sent to MCDC’s CEO Chris Kempczinski and the Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary Desiree Ralls-Morrison to request the contact information of the company's directors so that I can notify them directly about the crimes McDonald’s Corporation is currently committing.
  2. March 16, 2023 Formal notice sent to Neuberger Berman’s CEO Mr. George Walker regarding McDonald’s Corporation
  3. February 15, 2023 I tried to call the FBI Victim Services for help but the operator hanged up on me
  4. January 27, 2023 Email to French law professor Yves Strickler
  5. January 20, 2023 Email to Adam Rogalski. Are you back Mr. Rogalski? Who is the Special Agent in Charge of the investigation?
  6. November 15, 2022 UPDATING - SEC Office of the Whistleblower, second complaint submitted on November 15, 2022
  7. November 8, 2022 I ask Henry Rosenberg the contact information of Chamaine Williams, SVP and Chief Compliance Officer at Neuberger Berman
  8. November 8, 2022 I ask George Walker the contact information of Chamaine Williams, SVP and Chief Compliance Officer at Neuberger Berman
  9. November 1, 2022 Request for anonymity - European Court of Human Rights - McDonald’s RICO case
  10. October 31, 2022 Request for interim measures - European Court of Human Rights - McDonald’s RICO case
  11. October 24, 2022 2-page Statement of Facts in the McDonald’s RICO/PORA/FCPA case sent to Edward Lehman
  12. May 31, 2022 Constant Méheut, journalist for The New York Times, answers me. He confirms that he understands the fraud McDonald’s committed regarding the false claim consumers had “one chance out of four” to win instantly.
  13. March 11, 2022 I give to the F.B.I. 3 concrete examples of serious frauds McDonald’s Corporation and/or its affiliated companies committed. This should have been enough for the F.B.I. to initiate a criminal investigation targeting McDonald’s Corporation and/or its subsidiary companies for fraud and money laundering.
  14. March 11, 2022 I send an email to the F.B.I. to ask them to quickly confirm to the Chinese authorities that my accusations against McDonald’s Corporation and/or it's subsidiary companies are well-founded.
  15. March 11, 2022 I send an email to the F.B.I. to inform them that I am now going to resume my explanations of the aggravated frauds McDonald’s committed.
  16. October 5, 2021 Answer I sent by email to Messrs. Rogalski (Assistant Legal Attaché, U.S. Department of State, F.B.I.) and Manjarrez (F.B.I.).
  17. December 10, 2020 Email received from Kevin Granville, European business editor for the New York Times
  18. December 9, 2020 I contact, for the first time, Kevin Granville. He is a business editor in London for The New York Times. I tell him that I believe a criminal investigation targeting McDonald’s might have already started.
  19. November 19, 2019 McDonald’s Global Compliance Office replies that they haven’t received my communications.
  20. November 18, 2019 I am asking McDonald’s Global Compliance Office if they received my communications and, if they did, to acknowledge receipt of my emails.
  21. September 27, 2019 Answer from French anticorruption association Anticor
  22. May 31, 2019 Email sent to Steve Easterbrook and the Board of Directors of McDonald’s Corporation after having tried to talk some sense out of Mr. Easterbrook by calling him
  23. January 4, 2019 Reply from French law professor Yves Strickler
  24. July 4, 2017 Reply from French law professor Yves Strickler
  25. February 14, 2017 Email sent to McDonald’s executives including Chris Kempczinski regarding the illegality of the McDonald’s Monopoly sweepstakes in the United States.
  26. December 8, 2016 Notification to McDonald’s executives Gloria Santona, Steve Easterbrook, and Malcolm Hicks, that I intend to lodge a criminal complaint for defamation
  27. December 30, 2015 Debbie Schroeder, Investors Relations, McDonald’s Corporation, is still looking for the information I asked.
  28. October 30, 2015 PLEASE STOP THE FRAUD! I keep asking McDonald’s executives to immediately stop the ongoing fraud which is occuring in France. CEO Steve Easterbrook, General Counsel Gloria Santona, and European General Counsel Malcolm Hicks are notified.
  29. October 27, 2015 I receive an email from Eric Andrieu working for the Péchenard lawfirm. He is not diligent enough.
  30. October 23, 2015 I receive an email from Malcolm Hicks, Corporate Vice President of McDonald’s Europe and General Counsel. He informs me that he will be instructing an outside French lawyer to examine this issue.
  31. October 22, 2015 Additional frauds; email sent to McDonald’s General Counsel CCed to McDonald’s CEO
  32. October 21, 2015 Gloria Santona, General Counsel of McDonald’s Corporation, confirms that McDonald’s Corporation is taking my accusations of fraud very seriously. She confirms they are investigating.
  33. October 21, 2015 I send an email to Gloria Santona, General Counsel of McDonald’s Corporation, requesting an update about what is going on. I strongly suggest them not to wait any longer to call off the ongoing serious fraud which is currently happening in France. The warning is CCed to Steve Easterbrook.
  34. October 21, 2015 STOP THE FRAUD NOW! Unfair Commercial Practices Act EU LAW. Email to McDonald’s executives asking them to stop the ongoing McDonald’s Monopoly fraud immediately
  35. October 21, 2015 I send an email to Gloria Santona, General Counsel of McDonald’s Corporation, warning her that the U.S. executive team could be charged as an accessory after the fact for the ongoing serious fraud currently taking place in France. I remind them what the European Union law says. Email CCed to multiple executives in the United States and in France.
  36. October 21, 2015 4th formal notice sent to the executives of McDonald’s Corporation to keep warning them that McDonald’s France has engaged in a pattern of racketeering activity.
  37. October 20, 2015 Second email I sent to McDonald’s executives after having talked, on the phone, to Gloria Santona. She is the general counsel of McDonald’s Corporation. I am warning McDonald’s executives that they must order McDonald’s France to immediately stop the on-going fraud which is currently occurring in France.
  38. October 15, 2013 Publication of the book “I sold my soul to McDonald’s”
  39. June 25, 2012 Written answer sent through certified mail with proof of receipt requested. McDonald’s France formally answers the whistleblower regarding the accusations of fraud.
  40. September 16, 2002 In McDonald’s Corporation v. Simon Marketing, “McDonald’s asserts seven claims against the defendants. Counts 1 and 2 are claims under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act against Jacobson and the other individual defendants, charging them with conducting Simon’s affairs through a pattern of racketeering activity and conspiring to do so.” (MATTHEW F. KENNELLY, United States District Judge).