Debbie Schroeder, Investors Relations, McDonald’s Corporation, is still looking for the information I asked.
From: Debbie Schroeder (Investors Relations, McDonald’s Corporation)
: disclosure about the illegality of McDonald’s Monopoly in Europe
Date sent: December 30, 2015, 22:49 (Beijing time)
To: <>
Hi, X. (Anonymity granted by decision of the Court) -
Thank you for passing along your questions – I am still looking into them and will get back to you as soon as possible.
In the meantime, will you please let me know what company/firm you are from as well as a phone number should we have any clarification questions ? Thank you.
With best regards,
Debbie Schroeder | Investor Relations | McDonald’s Corporation 2915 Jorie Boulevard | Dept 300 | Oak Brook, Illinois 60523 | Phone: 630-623-3424
Click on this link to visualize the original email: 2015-12-30_2249_0800_reply_from_debbie_schroeder_mcd_investors_Redacted.pdf